African Americans “FOMO” Fear Of Missing Out

The fear of missing out refers to the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are.

Why is it that so many African Americans have FOMO and experience the greatest poverty and wealth inequality than any other race. Could FOMO have a psychological effect on African Americans not being able to believe in group economics or PowerNomics?

These are some compelling questions that should be asked as to why the African American community don’t have “GE” group economics and invest in the financial highway the Stock Market, Land Banking, Private Equity and Real Estate.

In the central valley their is a economic disparity among accredited and non-accredited investors having access to invest in private companies or startups.

Black buying powers by the numbers: And with nearly 50 million Black people in the United States, Black consumers spend more than $1 trillion a year. Nielsen, which provides analytical insights about the habits of consumers, released an in-depth look at Black buying power to document the trends associated with that tremendously reliable level of spending.

“At 47.8 million strong and a buying power that’s on par with many countries’ gross domestic products, African Americans continue to outpace spending nationally.

Tax-Time Financial Products that African-American Households were 36 percent more likely to use the products than white households.

tax time financial products case study