JOBS ACT, Fresno Regulation D 506(c) Crowdfunding

The Momentum that launched Fresno Regulation D Funding Portal can be attributed to Perils of Algorithms Marketing most Crowdfunding Portals use today that determines a small business fund ability and campaign launching to raise capital.

Jumpstart Our Business Startup Act, Fresno Regulation D 506(c) Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding Opens Doors Now that entrepreneurs have the tools to effectively present their funding needs to a large audience and capture every possible funding type in the same campaign, the ability to capitalize a new idea has changed dramatically. This doesn’t mean that every company will be funded, but it does increase — by orders of magnitude — the likelihood that your new idea will get to market, which is great news for everyone.

Casting a Wider Net Beyond the ability to use a marketing platform, we’re also finding that crowdfunding websites are being effectively used to capture different types of support simultaneously. In days past, there were campaigns to drive affinity support (also known as charity), campaigns to drive a pre-order (video games, gadgets) and campaigns to solicit investors. Now all three can be done at the same time, which creates a huge new opportunity for entrepreneurs.

Capturing Affinity Long before commercial crowdfunding sites existed, raising money from the crowd was being done both online and offline. If you’ve ever gotten an invite to support someone’s Race for the Cure or called in to support a PBS fundraising event, you’ve been part of a crowdfunding campaign. Charity campaign fundraisers were the pioneers of crowdfunding because they tap into people’s natural affinity to support causes they believe in. Rewards and equity crowdfunding campaigns tap into the same vein, allowing your family, friends and fans to support you with small amounts of capital that can add up quickly. Prior to crowdfunding websites, capturing this type of capital was really painful. Imagine calling all of your friends to ask them for a $25 contribution toward starting your company. Aside from becoming part of everyone’s blocked call list, you’d also run into the challenge of actually capturing all of those contributions. The ability to send out a single message to your entire network, solicit support, and capture funds instantly removes all of these roadblocks. The limitation to this type of funding is that your affinity capital runs out pretty quickly, especially when funding a business. For small projects of less than $5,000 to $10,000 there’s a likelihood that affinity alone can support you. But once you get north of $10,000, you need more than good graces to drive larger funding targets.

Pre-sale Value Where affinity capital is quickly exhausted, pre-selling an actual product has a virtually unlimited runway to raise capital. Once again crowdfunding has provided an important innovation that many people have overlooked. Prior to crowdfunding campaigns, the idea of pre-ordering a product that had never been produced was virtually unheard of.  Big companies with strong reputations could sometimes offer pre-orders of everything from video games to movie tickets, but the idea of a single entrepreneur successfully raising capital for just a prototype was a pipe dream. The popularity of crowdfunding has encouraged widespread acceptance of requests for capital prior to production. This has lead to an explosion of new campaigns allowing entrepreneurs to self-capitalize their ideas.

Equity = Crowdfunding 2.0 If raising capital on affinity and pre-sales represented version 1.0 of crowdfunding, adding equity has evolved the crowdfunding industry to version 2.0. Affinity and pre-sale campaigns tend to fall short in a few key areas, especially as they relate to funding businesses. First, many companies do not have a product to pre-sell, like a restaurant for example. Second, the amount of capital needed often far exceeds what can be driven through mere affinity and pre-orders. This is where equity comes in. Entrepreneurs can now expose their campaigns to a global audience of potential investors. This ability to showcase your deal publicly has been made available in the United States by the JOBS Act, which has enabled the ability to publicly solicit equity offerings. It’s hard to believe, but prior to September of 2013, entrepreneurs were not allowed to present their equity funding offerings publicly.

This presents a huge opportunity not only for entrepreneurs but for investors as well. Because entrepreneurs were limited to private conversations within their network, investors only had access to new deals on a very limited basis. The emergence of equity crowdfunding sites changes that dynamic completely. Now both entrepreneurs and investors can get access to a much broader population. This means that finding equity investors, and larger checks, is now more available than ever. Thanks to the JOBS Act, almost anyone in the US can invest in funding companies like MKG Enterprises Corp. Accredited and non-accredited investors can BOTH invest and both receive the EXACT SAME equity. Your investment is treated exactly like an investment from venture capital firms or the ultra-wealthy. Investors should consider carefully information contained in the Circular LLC Investment Fund, including investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. You can request a ABS Circular by calling MKG Enterprises Corp. at 866-675-3933. Please read the Circular Bond carefully before investing. Investment returns will fluctuate and are subject to market volatility, so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed or sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

Unlike mutual funds, shares of MKG Enterprises Corp Private Placements are not individually redeemable directly with the exchange market NASDAQ, S&P 500, Down Jones, OTC Markets, Pink Sheet. Shares are bought and sold at par value, which may be higher or lower than the net asset value (NAV). Equity Crowd Funding Offering Memorandum: Not FDIC Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value

You can also view further information on MKG Enterprises Corp. Form D filed March 14, 2017 ET

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Accredited Investors who are familiar with and willing to accept the risks associated with private investments. Securities sold through private placements are not publicly traded and are intended for investors who do not have a need for liquidity in their investment. MKG Financial Group Private Equity Fund Advisors LLC does not make investment recommendations, and no communication through this website or in any other medium should be construed as such. Investment opportunities posted on this website are “private placements” of securities that are not publicly traded, are subject to holding period requirements, and are intended for investors who do not need a liquid investment. Private placement investments are NOT bank deposits (and thus NOT insured by the FDIC or by any other federal governmental agency), are NOT guaranteed by MKG Financial Group Private Equity Fund Advisors LLC or our funding portal, and MAY lose value. Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any federal or state securities commission or regulatory authority has recommended or approved any investment or the accuracy or completeness of any of the information or materials provided by or through the website. Investors must be able to afford the loss of their entire investment. Testimonial statements made may not be representative of the experience of all clients.

Disclosures IMPORTANT: The projections or other information generated by MKG Enterprises Corp and its subsidiaries regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. The guidance is educational in nature, is not fully individualized, and is not intended to serve as the primary or sole basis for your investment or private placement offering decisions. The return assumptions are not reflective of any specific product, and do not include any fees or expenses that may be incurred by investing in specific products. The actual returns of a specific product may be more or less than the returns used. It is not possible to directly invest in a fund. Financial forecasts, rates of return, risk, inflation, and other assumptions may be used as the basis for illustrations. They should not be considered a guarantee of future performance or a guarantee of achieving overall financial objectives. Past performance is not a guarantee or a predictor of future results of either the indices or any particular investment. Results may vary with each use and over time.