Self Directed IRA Investors

Become your own investment bank using your IRA or 401k savings

Real estate investing in Individual Retirement Accounts is a alternative ,Self directed IRA can be considered safe and potentially high-yielding alternative to the roller coaster ride of financial markets. Become your own investment bank using your IRA or 401k savings by contacting MKG Financial Group Equity Fund Advisors LLC to discuss Real Estate Investing including the IRS rules governing tax savings related to such investments.  

Sign up for IRA account

Self Directed IRA Investment Brochure

Investors Alert

SDIRAs and the Risk of Fraud

Regulatory Oversight of NDIRA 

  • New Direction is a trusted provider of Custodial and Administrative services for traditional and Roth IRAs, HSAs, and other tax advantaged plans. Physical custody and administrative oversight is provided by Mainstar, in Kansas. The office of the State Bank Commissioners of Kansas regulates Mainstar and its oversight extends to New Direction’s accounts.
  • The OSBC regulates all state-chartered banks and trust companies in Kansas with the primary objective of ensuring the safety and soundness of state-chartered financial institutions, thereby safeguarding depositors’ assets and maintaining public confidence.
  • NDIRA is the agent (sometimes referred to as the administrator) for the custodian, Mainstar. Mainstar is a limited powers trust company regulated by the OSBC.

Self Directed IRA Investors

Our LLC Investment Company is perfect for those who are considering hard money lending as an alternative retirement plan investment and want to decide if it is the right investment for their plan.

To learn more about our Investment Fund Options visit us online.

Real Estate

  • Buy /sell real estate according to your investment strategy
  • Residential or commercial
  • Rent and profit from sales can grow your IRA
  • Use debt leverage or partnership tools

Private Equity

  • Buy stock or ownership percentage in a private company
  • Utilize your personal expertise and knowledge
  • Dividends, profit, or other returns go to your IRA

Private Lending

  • Loan to a person, company, etc.
  • Attach collateral to the loan or not, your choice
  • Set the terms: interest rate, length of term, etc.
  • Loan payments made to your IRA

Precious Metals

  • Gold .995+
  • Silver .999+
  • Platinum .9995+
  • Palladium .9995+
  • Coins, bars, rounds

Other Investments

Crowdfunding Portal Reg CF, Reg D

IRS Rules

Self-Directed IRA Prohibited Transactions

All IRA accounts are subject to certain IRS rules and regulations. You, the IRA investor, get to enjoy the tax advantages granted to IRAs, HSAs, and other types of retirement accounts, as long as you follow the parameters set forth by the IRS for that account type; in addition to complying with the documentation practices of your IRA provider.

IRS rules regarding IRAs are dependent on which type of account you own (Traditional, Roth, SEP, etc.) and determine each account’s proceedings for contribution limits, distribution age and amount, prohibited transactions, and disqualified persons; among other things. The assets inside your account do not affect the IRS rules for your account.

Disqualified Persons

 Every IRA has a list of persons and entities that are considered disqualified from interacting in certain ways with the IRA. IRS rules prohibit the IRA from dealing with these people and entities. These prohibited parties are called Disqualified Persons.

Disqualified persons to an IRA include the account holder and their spouse, as well as lineal ascendants and descendants (parents, children and their spouses, grandparents, grandchildren and their spouses), and certain fiduciaries (CPAs, Attorneys, Financial Planners, etc.).